Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D., System and Control/Applied Math, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA. (2015 - 2020)
- Committee Chair: Prof. Tsu-Chin Tsao.
- Committee Member: Prof. Tetsuya Iwasaki, Prof. Lieven Vandenberghe, Prof. Jason Lee Speyer and Prof. Steven James Gibson.
- Dissertation Title: Independent Position and Attitude Control on Multirotor Aerial Platforms. (2020)
- Rank 1, Ph.D. Written Qualification Exam. (2016)
- Rank 1, Teaching Oral Proficiency (TOP) Test for teaching qualification in MAE Department. (2015)
- B.E. with Honor, Robotics/Mechatronics, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China. (2011 - 2015)
- Rank 1, Elite Student Program, Honors School.
- Research Assistant, State Key Lab of Robotics and Systems.
Awards and Honors
1. Honors
Teaching Star of the Year, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University. (2024)
Keynote Speaker, HIT Commencement for Honor Degree. (2016)
- Li-Chang Award (李昌奖), President Award of HIT. (2015)
- Highest honor for HIT students, awarded to 5 undergraduates every two years.
- Name of recipients permanently recorded in the university history.
Summa Cum Laude, HIT. (2015)
- CSST Scholar. (2014)
- Undergrad research internship with full finacial support in UCLA. 100 undergraduates awarded annually in China.
- The first CSST scholar in HIT history.
Merit Student, Heilongjiang Province, China. (2014)
Pioneering Merit Student, HIT. (2014)
- Student Representative, G20 Saint Petersburg. (2013)
2. Scholarships
- Graduate Student Fellowship, UCLA. (twice, 2018 and 2019)
- Each includes full coverage of tuition, a 12-month stipend and comprehensive health insurance for one academic year.
- Incoming Graduate Student Fellowship, UCLA. (2015 - 2017)
- Full coverage of tuition (including non-resident tuition), a 24-month stipend and comprehensive health insurance for the first two years of graduate study.
- Rank 1, fellowship oral exam.
The 20th Anniversary Scholarship of Honors School, HIT. (2014)
King’s Scholarship of Excellence, UK. (2013)
National Scholarship of China. (twice, 2012 and 2014)
- Recipient of 29 other scholarships (for study, research, volunteer work etc.) during undergraduate study at HIT, in total ¥97,600.
3. Awards
Finalist, TECO Green Tech International Contest. (2017)
First Prize, National Contest of Mechanical Design, China. (2014)
Silver Medal, iGEM Competition. (twice, 2012 and 2013)
- Perception and Actuation
- Jiang D, Wang T, Wang E, Xue J, Diao W, Xu M, Luo L, Zhao Y, Yuan X, Wang J, Ruan L, Ouyang H, Li Z, Wang Q. Triboelectric and Isontronic Dual-Responsive Bioinspired Ionic Skin for Human–Like Dexterous Robotic Manipulation. Nano Energy. 2024.
- Zhao S, Yu Z, Wang Z, Liu H, Zhou Z, Ruan L, Wang Q. A Learning-Free Method for Locomotion Mode Prediction by Terrain Reconstruction and Visual-Inertial Odometry. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2023.
- Xu M, Zhou Z, Wang Z, Ruan L, Mai J, Wang Q. Bio-Inspired Cable-Driven Actuation System for Wearable Robotic Devices: Design, Control and Characterization. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2023.
- Luo J, Zhao Y, Ruan L, Mao S, Fu C. Estimation of CoM and CoP Trajectories During Human Walking Based on a Wearable Visual Odometry Device. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. 2022.
- Zhao Y, Lo CY, Ruan L, Pi CH, Kim C, Alsaid Y, Frenkel I, Rico R, Tsao TC, He X. Somatosensory Actuator Based on Stretchable Conductive Photothermally Responsive Hydrogel. Science Robotics. 2021.
- Zhao S, Tan J, Liu F, Ruan L, Wang Q. High-Frequency Terrain Characterization with a Wearable Visual Device. International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics. 2025.
- Zhu W, Ju Z, Fu G, Ruan L, Wang Q. Design of a Mode-Switchable Elastic Actuator towards Interactive Robotic Applications. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. 2024.
- Zhou Z, Zhao Z, Ruan L, Wang Q. A Novel Actuation Mechanism for High-bandwidth Bidirectional Rotation of Cable-driven Revolute Joints. IFToMM World Congress. 2023.
- System, Control and Optimization
- Gao S, Yang C, Chen H, He X, Ruan L, Wang Q. Bioinspired Origami-Based Soft Prosthetic Knee. Nature Communications. 2024.
- Dai X, Zhou Z, Wang Z, Ruan L, Wang R, Rong X, Li Y, Wang Q. Reducing Knee Joint Loads During Stance Phase with a Rigid-Soft Hybrid Exoskeleton. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering. 2024.
- Fu G, Zhu W, Wang H, Huang Y, Zhu J, Ruan L, Wang Q. A Robotic Transtibial Prosthesis with Equilibrium-Adjustable Parallel Springs to Improve Energy Efficiency in Slope Walking. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2024.
- Ruan L, Pi CH, Su Y, Yu P, Cheng S, Tsao TC. Control and Experiments of a Novel Tiltable-Rotor Aerial Platform Comprising Quadcopters and Passive Hinges. Mechatronics. 2023.
- Su Y, Yu P, Gerber MJ, Ruan L, Tsao TC. Fault-Tolerant Control of an Overactuated UAV Platform Built on Quadcopters and Passive Hinges. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2023.
- Yu P, Su Y, Ruan L, Tsao TC. Compensating Aerodynamics of Over-actuated Multi-rotor Aerial Platform with Data-driven Iterative Learning Control. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2023.
- Wang Z, Zhou Z, Ruan L, Duan X, Wang Q. Mechatronic Design and Control of a Rigid-Soft Hybrid Knee Exoskeleton for Gait Intervention. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. 2023.
- Xu M, Zhou Z, Shao J, Ruan L, Wang Q. Reducing Migration of Knee Exoskeletons With Dynamic Waist Strap. IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics. 2022.
- Su Y, Ruan L, Yu P, Pi CH, Gerber MJ, Tsao TC. A Fast and Efficient Attitude Control Algorithm of a Tilt-Rotor Aerial Platform Using Inputs Redundancies. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2021.
- Su Y, Yu P, Gerber MJ, Ruan L, Tsao TC. Nullspace-Based Control Allocation of Overactuated UAV Platforms. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2021.
- Yu P, Su Y, Gerber MJ, Ruan L, Tsao TC. An Over-Actuated Multi-Rotor Aerial Vehicle With Unconstrained Attitude Angles and High Thrust Efficiencies. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2021.
- Luo J, Gong Z, Su Y, Ruan L, Zhao Y, Asada HH, Fu C. Modeling and Balance Control of Supernumerary Robotic Limb for Overhead Tasks. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 2021.
- Zhu H, Wang D, Boyd N, Zhou Z, Ruan L, Zhang A, Ding N, Zhao Y, Luo J. Terrain-Perception-Free Quadrupedal Spinning Locomotion on Versatile Terrains: Modeling, Analysis, and Experimental Validation. Frontiers in Robotics and AI. 2021.
- Luo J, Su Y, Ruan L, Zhao Y, Kim D, Sentis L, Fu C. Robust Bipedal Locomotion Based on a Hierarchical Control Structure. Robotica. 2019.
- Pi CH, Ruan L, Yu P, Su Y, Cheng S, Tsao TC. A Simple Six Degree-of-Freedom Aerial Vehicle Built on Quadcopters. IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications. 2021.
- Representation and Learning
- Zhao Z, Li Y, Li W, Qi Z, Ruan L, Zhu Y, Althoefer K. Tac-Man: Tactile-Informed Prior-Free Manipulation of Articulated Objects. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2024.
- Hou H, Zhu W, Ruan L, Wang Q. Prosthetic Control by Learning: A Multi-Agent Cooperative Game Framework. International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. 2025.
- Shi YZ, Liu M, Meng F, Xu Q, Bi Z, He K, Ruan L, Wang Q. Hierarchically Encapsulated Representation for Protocol Design in Self-Driving Labs. International Conference on Learning Representations. 2025.
- Shi YZ, Meng F, Hou H, Bi Z, Xu Q, Ruan L, Wang Q. Expert-Level Protocol Translation for Self-Driving Labs. Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems. 2024.
- Shi YZ, Li H, Ruan L, Qu H. Constraint Representation towards Precise Data-Driven Storytelling. IEEE Visualization Conference. 2024.
- Shi YZ, Xu Q, Meng F, Ruan L, Wang Q. Abstract Hardware Grounding towards the Automated Design of Automation Systems. International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications. 2024.
- Shi YZ, Hou H, Bi Z, Meng F, Wei X, Ruan L, Wang Q. AutoDSL: Automated Domain-Specific Language Design for Structural Representation of Procedures with Constraints. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2024.
- Shi YZ, Li S, Niu X, Xu Q, Liu J, Xu Y, Gu S, He B, Li X, Zhao X, Zhao Z, Lyu Y, Li Z, Liu S, Qiu L, Ji J, Ruan L, Ma Y, Han W, Zhu Y. PersLEARN: Research Training through the Lens of Perspective Cultivation. Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 2023.
- Peking University (2021 - present)
- Introduction to Engineering Science, College of Engineering.
- Bionic Robotics, College of Engineering.
- Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Yuanpei College.
- Tsinghua University (2024 - present)
- Critical Management Techniques for Leading Positions, School of Economics and Management.
- AI towards Innovative Paradigm for Business Management, School of Economics and Management.
- University of California, Los Angeles (2016 - 2018)
- Dynamic Systems, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Math for Life Scientist - Part B, Department of Life Science.
- Math for Life Scientist - Part A, Department of Life Science.
- System Identification, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Linear Optimal Control, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
- Linear Dynamic Systems, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department.
Review/Editorial Services
- Journals
- IEEE Transactions on Robotics
- IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics
- Nonlinear Dynamics
- Mechatronics
- IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
- Conferences
- Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS)
- Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL)
- Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)
- International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
- IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids)
- American Control Conference (ACC)